
I’m Sure My Wife Parked This Car…

car parked


An Interesting Clock…

See it HERE


Seen On A Billboard…

JD Sister


italian anti league

bud wife



liquid panty remover


A List Of Mistakes In Your Favorite Movies….

Incredibly… Most of your favorite movies have at least one mistake that makes it into the final release… Here’s a list of a bunch of them… MORE HERE

17 Mr. and Mrs. Smith The movie is supposed to take place in and around New York City, however during the car chase where Angelina and Brad are fighting off the three BMW’s, a wide shot clearly shows a street sign announcing Los Angeles.
19 The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King In the second half of the film, Frodo has a scar on his lower right cheek, close to his chin. Many times throughout the rest of the film the scar changes position and size on his right cheek. It also appears on his left cheek in flipped shots (most obviously on the slopes of Mount Doom when Sam is cradling his head).
21 Terminator 2: Judgment Day The T-1000 punches his body through the window of a helicopter to get inside. An instant later, the hole in the windshield is gone.
23 Raiders of the Lost Ark While Indy and Marion are in the Well of the Souls, and they encounter the snakes, Indy falls to the ground only to get confronted by a Cobra rearing its head and hissing. Look carefully and you’ll see the reflection of the snake on the safety glass between it and Indy. Briefly you can also see the torch’s reflection while he’s waving it around. This has been corrected in the new DVD set. You can only see it if you have the original VHS. I think it’s visible in the “making of” on the DVD as well.

Irrefutable Proof That Your Government Spends Your Tax Money Wisely And Well…

Today we are proud to unveil the latest secret weapon for use in the War Against Terror… A Bargain at only $16 Million each.



End Of The Rainbow… YEAH!!!

beer rainbow


This Was My Wife When I Took Away The Credit Cards This Morning…

tiger teeth

“What do you mean?!?… Christmas shopping’s over!!… How Dare You?!?!


This Video Has Been On My Hard Drive For Years… But YouTube Rejected It When I Tried To Upload It… What Gives?

This poor guy must still catch hell about this one!… But on the other hand… This delicate flower of femininity will make some lucky guy very happy some day…. And I will state for the record… That although I’m pretty sure my wife could handle me as easily as this… She never has… ‘Cuz She Loves Me.


Then There’s This Poor Idiot Who Didn’t Know Just How Far Out Of His Weight Class He Was Going To End Up

Doesn’t he know that big girls tend to travel in herds groups? Now he knows how Mustafa from “The Lion King” felt after the unfortunate Wildebeest incident…. What truly adds insult to injury here… is that this poor knucklehead is the one who ends up going to jail!.. Trampled… Gored… Publicly Humiliated and Arrested… This guy’s a candidate for a couple of shots of Jeremiah Weed


Dumbledore’s Influence?.. Or Was Harry Just Checking On Ron’s “Wand”?… Which Movie Is This From?..

ron harry


A Woman From Inside Out… A Good Time Waster… Fun To Watch…

a woman from inside out


Next Time Your Wife Asks…”Does This Make Me Look Fat?”… Look Her Straight In The Eye… Smile… And Show Her This Picture…

fat wife


A Great Take On Xmas!! WARNING!! Filthy & Profane!!! NOT SAFE FOR WORK…


And Here’s Another Since YouTube Saw Fit To Pull Down The First One


Solomon As O-Oka… Each To His Own…


Arresting the Stone Buddha

A merchant bearing fifty rolls of cotton goods on his shoulders stopped to rest from the heat of the day beneath a shelter where a large stone Buddha was standing. There he fell asleep, and when he awoke his goods had disappeared. He immediately reported the matter to the police.

A judge named O-oka opened court to investigate. “That stone Buddha must have stolen the goods,” concluded the judge. “He is supposed to care for the welfare of the people, but he has failed to perform his holy duty. Arrest him.”

The police arrested the stone Buddha and carried it into the court. A noisy crowd followed the statue, curious to learn what kind of sentence the judge was about to impose.

When O-oka appeared on the bench he rebuked the boisterous audience. “What right have you people to appear before the court laughing and joking in this manner? You are in contempt of court and subject to a fine and imprisonment.”

The people hastened to apologize. “I shall have to impose a fine on you,” said the judge, “but I will remit it provided each one of you brings one roll of cotton goods to the court within three days. Anyone failing to do this will be arrested.”

One of the rolls of cloth which the people brought was quickly recognized by the merchant as his own, and thus the thief was easily discovered. The merchant recovered his goods, and the cotton rolls were returned to the people.


Praise The Lord!! Jeremiah Weed Has Re-Entered My Life!!

Years ago… I used to drink a bourbon based liqueur called Jeremiah Weed… It tastes like a cross between Drambuie, Southern Comfort and Old Grand Dad… It is also 100 proof. Well… I lost track of the stuff for years. But yesterday, while I was doing my holiday booze buying… There it was! Different bottle… Same taste! Naturally… I bought two.

Jeremiah Weednew bottle jeremiah oldold bottle

Now… There’s a legend out there that fighter pilots swear by this stuff… Here’s a story by a guy who claims to have started the trend with the Air Force… There’s even a song dedicated to it by a group called Dos Gringos.

But I know the “Weed” from the days when I hung out with old time submariners… Back then… the stuff came in an all brown bottle. I knew bartenders that said that the stuff was from the old western days. It was said that it was made from the dregs of the bourbon barrels… But I happen to believe an even older story that the stuff was named after a patriot from Connecticut who died in the 1800′s… Here’s another testimonial to the virtue of this fine beverage/

Whatever! Welcome home old friend! Throw away your SoCo and your Irish Mist and your Yukon Jack!… Get yourself a short glass and some ice and try some Weed… Jeremiah Weed that is!

Here’s a recipe for the Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster that is much better if the Jeremiah Weed variant is used:

This makes one approximately 18 ounce (0,5 l) Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster. The reason this drink seems so large is that Zaphod Beeblebrox has two heads, so when he created it, it came out to 9 ounces (2,5 dl) per head, so both were happy.

Before drinking, eat one olive to create a sweetness in it which is not there. Drink extremely carefully at your own risk, and remember where your towel is (if you can).

This one is a bit more sedate and less likely to get you arrested.

F*cked Up Shark

1 1/2 oz Jeremiah Weed® bourbon whiskey
1 1/2 oz Blue Curacao liqueur
1 1/2 oz triple sec
1 1/2 oz Southern Comfort® peach liqueur
12 oz can tonic water

Pour the Jeremiah Weed whiskey into a cocktail shaker half-filled with ice cubes. Add the blue curacao, triple sec and Southern Comfort peach liqueur and add a can of tonic water. Shake vigorously, despite the building pressure. Shake until much of the carbonation from the tonic water subsides and creates a petillent, clear teal beverage. Pour over a minimal amount of ice in a collins glass, and serve.


A Battle Between Lions, Cape Buffalo and Crocodiles! Who Will Win?


Each Point Of Light In The Picture Is A Galaxy… A Whole Galaxy!!

We are as atoms on a grain of sand within our own galaxy… Is the entity that is worshiped as God on this planet presumed to be the architect of all that shows in the Hubble Deep Field Exposure and more? Are we to presume that the architect of all that pays attention to and directs each of our lives? If So… Then I think we little beings may have seriously overeached.

The Ultra Deep Field obtained by the Hubble Space Telescope is the deepest view into the sky by humankind to date. This image combines 800 frames with a total exposure time of 1 million seconds. The 10.000 galaxies that are visible have distances out to times where the universe was just 800 million years old, one seventeenth of its current age.



For All Our Fishing Friends…


Your Age On Other Planets…



Cheney’s Office Damaged in Fire… Heh.. Heh.. No Comment… I Don’t Want To Be Declared An Enemy Combatant And Guantanamo’ed.

Thick smoke billowed from a fire Wednesday in Vice President Dick Cheney’s suite of offices in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building next to the White House.Cheney’s office, known for its historical furnishings and ornate decorations, was damaged by smoke and water from fire hoses, officials said. There was concern about water damage to the floor, made of mahogany, white maple and cherry and considered to be very delicate.

The adjacent office of the vice president’s political director, Amy Whitelaw, was heavily damaged by fire, said Cheney spokeswoman Lea Anne McBride.

The vice president was not in the building at the time; he was in the West Wing of the White House with President Bush.

Andy Borowitz  on Huffington Post has a little something to add though: 

Attempting to Destroy CIA Tapes, Cheney Burns Down White House

The White House, one of the most historic structures in the nation’s capital, burnt to the ground today after Vice President Dick Cheney attempted to incinerate a cache of CIA interrogation tapes in his office.

According to White House aides, the blaze started shortly after twelve noon, minutes after Mr. Cheney slipped out of a cabinet meeting, saying that he had to “hit the head.”

But rather than using the bathroom as he had stated, the vice president instead went to his office and put a blowtorch to a pile of CIA interrogation tapes which the White House had feared might be subpoenaed in the near future.

“I started burning those things and boom, they went up like a rocket,” an apologetic Mr. Cheney later told reporters.

The accidental blaze quickly spread from the videotapes to a nearby stack of transcripts of phone conversations involving Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and singer Barbra Streisand that Mr. Cheney had obtained via a warrantless wiretap.

“Once those transcripts caught on fire, I knew the building was a goner,” Mr. Cheney said. “There were literally thousands and thousands of pages of that stuff.”

Speaking in front of the charred remains of the historic building, administration spokesperson Dana Perino said that the White House might have been saved had it not been for an unfortunate bureaucratic mix-up: “Instead of calling the fire department, President Bush called FEMA.”

Courtesy of HuffPo 


Diagnosing Health Problems By Looking At Your Fingernails…

Fingernail color and texture can reflect a wide range of medical conditions.


A Guide to Healthy Fingernails:

10 Possible Signs of Serious Conditions:


Nail Appearance Associated Condition
White nails Liver diseases such as hepatitis
Yellowish, thickened, slow-growing nails Lung diseases such as emphysema
Yellowish nails with a slight blush at the base Diabetes
Half-white, half-pink nails Kidney disease
Red nail beds Heart disease
Pale or white nail beds Anemia
Pitting or rippling of the nail surface Psoriasis or inflammatory arthritis
“Clubbing,” a painless increase in tissue around the ends of the fingers, or inversion of the nail Lung diseases
Irregular red lines at the base of the nail fold Lupus or connective tissue disease
Dark lines beneath the nail Melanoma

Now.. Before you call the Dr. and start screaming about your heart disease and Lupus… Take off the red nail polish and: Read More HERE


The Same Guy Invented Leaded Gasoline AND CFC’s… Ain’t Karma Something?

In 1921, after a long string of inadequate solutions, a clever but chronically catastrophic chemist named Thomas Midgley developed a fuel additive which eliminated ping problems while increasing fuel efficiency. Though the chemical agent eventually gained worldwide acceptance, it left a rash of psychosis, a trail of bodies, an epidemic of crime, and an irreparably damaged environment in its wake.

thomas Midgley Mr. Midgley, the father of leaded gasoline continued his distinguished career by inventing chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), the refrigerants and aerosol propellants which famously destroyed a considerable section of the Earth’s ozone layer before they were banned. Along the way Midgley received an awesome array of awards for his contributions to chemistry, many of which were later regretted upon discovering the damage done by his innovations. He did not survive to witness the disassembly of his successes, however. After becoming impaired by a polio infection, Midgley devised a machine with motorized pulleys to assist him in rising from bed and turning over. One day in 1944, as his automatic contraption sprang into action, he was ensnared in the cords and strangled to death.

Some historians have argued that Midgley’s tetra-ethyl lead was a necessary evil; one which hastened the progress of efficient engines, thereby advancing the economy and contributing to victory in World War II. It is worth noting, however, that in the early years of Ethyl’s availability, basic refinery advances boosted the base octane of fuel by 20-30 points, whereas Ethyl additive only boosted it by about nine points. In retrospect, Ethyl’s octane improvements were somewhat overstated, and the product owed most of its success to crafty marketing, misleading research, and chronic government incompetence. Whatever Ethyl’s benefits, it saturated the planet with an insidious poison, and the true magnitude of its past, present, and future harm are yet to be known.

Read more about Mr. Midgley’s exploits at Damn Interesting


PostSecret … This Card Makes Me Feel… Weird. Like Something Is Wrong With The World.

never been kissed



That’s Gonna Leave A Mark… And As My Friend Allan Likes To Say… “If You F*ck With The Bull… You Get The Horn!”

 I suspect the natives of Pamplona cooked up this running of the bulls thing just so they could tally up the number of stupid, drunk foreigners in their hospitals the day after.



This Man Needs A Translator… He Didn’t Use His WomanSpeak To English Dictionary

bike ad

If he’d only checked his copy of the handy dandy Girlspeak to English Dictionary … He’d have seen his wife’s response as the 3rd most important translation… Don’t be stupid!! All males should learn at least the first ten rules of female language arts… It could save your life someday.

HERE is a more comprehensive edition…