This Happy Dog Reminds Me Of A Bank CEO With My Bail Out Money…
But The Dog Seems A Lot More Likely To Do Something Productive …
But The Dog Seems A Lot More Likely To Do Something Productive …
Not sure if these are real or faked… But Steve is sure fun to watch…
Steve Sure Knows His Rights… Even When He Calls In Domestic Violence On His Wife…
He’s A Dashing Little Scamp!
And She’s A Little Darlin’…
A rare quail from the Philippines was photographed for the first time before being sold as food at a poultry market, experts say. Found only on the island of Luzon, Worcester’s buttonquail was known solely through drawings based on dated museum specimens collected several decades ago.
Is this supposed to be Michelle and Barack?!?!
These were baked by the guy who supplies pastries and cakes featured on Sex and the City.
Lafayette French Pastry proprietor Ted Kefalinos thought that making strange looking cookies that some customers claim he calls “Drunken N-Word Cookies” was cute. Watch him try to fast pedal his way out of a serious backlash brought on by Fox5 New York Arnold Diaz’s exposé.
Here’s His Apology Video… Maybe Too Little Too Late
Mama Wants Some And I Don’t Know What They Are…
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