Risk Of Mad Cow Disease From Farmed Fish?..
From Reuters:
Three U.S. scientists are concern about the potential of people contracting Creutzfeldt Jakob disease — the human form of “mad cow disease” — from eating farmed fish who are fed byproducts rendered from cows.
If this is the case… Then maybe we ought to be worried about chicken and eggs … Because chickens are fed the same stuff!! – TheFourEyes.
Sunday Music – Toto’s Africa – Done With An Amazing Twist.
Run this video at full screen and with good speakers… It’s well worth it.
Perpetuum Jazzile
They Were Calling Him Whacko Jacko By The Time He Was Putting Out These Songs… Ironic… Huh?
It seems that his gift was his ability to transmit his own ecstatic joy to his audience… In his music and performances… He seemed to act as a conduit to the joyful ecstasy that humans can only feel when they are communing through music.
Michael Jackson More Popular Than Jesus On WWW… MJ Searches Nearly Cripple Web…
Google returns for Michael Jackson returned almost 58 million results… Compared to nearly 32 million results for Barack Obama. Jesus Christ comes in third with almost 18 million results… Queen Elizabeth II and the Pope come in 4th and 5th respectively.
click to enlarge
Amazon reports that they’re almost sold out of Michael Jackson stuff and iTunes has Michael Jackson listed as most of it’s top seller list as of Friday.
But the big story is that the Web’s biggest players all reported massive spikes in traffic… Google had a 25 minute period where they thought they were under attack and simply refused to serve up results. Some experts say that the massive spike shows where the weaknesses are in the internet’s infrastructure.
Michael J. Jackson… Superstar… R.I.P.
If you are between 20 and 60 years old… Michael Jackson’s music very probably plays a big part of the soundtrack of your life. From “ABC” to “Ben”… From “I’ll Be There” to … “Pretty Young Thing”… From “Billie Jean” to “Bad“… When you heard his music… You knew that you just had to “Shake Your Body Down To The Ground”.
He sang about “Human Nature” and the “Man In The Mirror”… And when he asked us to just “Leave Me Alone”… We didn’t. We couldn’t. He was the guy who let us know that “We Are The World” and that “Ebony and Ivory” could overcome the problems between “Black or White”.
Michael’s music can make you “Remember the Time” you felt “Invincible”…
Michael Jackson was “Off The Wall”… And now he’s “Gone Too Soon”.
Requests to the Right Ear Are More Successful Than to the Left
You’re in a loud and sweaty Italian dance club when a woman approaches you. To be heard over the techno, she leans in close and yells into your ear, “Hai una sigaretta?”
If she spoke into your right ear, you would be twice as likely to give her a cigarette than if she asked by your left ear, according to a new study that employed this methodology in the clubs of Pescara, Italy. Of 88 clubbers who were approached on the right, 34 let the researcher bum a smoke, compared with 17 of 88 whom she approached on the left.
Read More HERE
Internet Myth… Mars Comes Close To Earth On 9/27/09…

On August 27 2009 Mars is due to come as close to Earth as the Moon. Apparently the next time it will come this close will be in 2287 and the last time it did was over 5000 years ago. Astronomers have been quick to point out that this is completely untrue, and say that the closest thing to this spectacle actually came and went in 2003. This is a relief as other tale tellers say that if Mars were to come as close to the Earth as the Moon it would wreak havoc with the tidal pulls and we could end up with storms and tsunamis.