From Me… To You!

happy nude rear

Here’s To Drunken Revelry!… Happy New Year From The Four Eyes!!!

Review Of 2007… Jib Jab Style… Happy New Year!!

One More Reason To Get A Mac!!

G3 Beerserver

Understand Why The Chicken Crossed The Road…

Numerous Celebrities Give Their Take On This Age Old Question…


On snowy city streets, staking curbside turf… I Do NOT Miss Doing This! The Last Time I Did This Was In 1995…

snow spot

It’s an unwritten law in Chicago (And New York and lots of other places) during winter weather: If you shovel a parking space, it’s yours. And woe betide anyone who nudges your orange cones (or lawn chairs, or flowerpots) out of the way.

With snow expected to snarl the roads and cover cars here over the next few days, the cold-weather battle over Windy City street parking will kick into high gear.

Residents will pick up their shovels, clear their curbs of powder and ice — and then line their stretch of the street with lawn chairs.

Or sawhorses. Dinette sets. Bar stools. Flowerpots.

Even empty cardboard boxes and rusty metal buckets will litter the roads, all in a bid to ward off drivers who might steal the cleared space.

It’s an unwritten law, particularly in the densely populated neighborhoods that have gentrified as part of this city’s ongoing urban revival: If you shovel it, you own it. And woe be to anyone who moves such items while the spot’s “owner” is away.

“You could put a television set out there and no one would touch it,” said Wendy Pastrick, 36, a database administrator whose family keeps a bright-orange construction cone next to the snow shovel on the front steps.

Across the street, two houses had folding chairs leaning against snow shovels. Down the block, two more homes had white plastic chairs nestled amid the shrubs and bags of de-icing salt.

Those who do dare move such items and claim a stretch of curb they didn’t clear could see their normally friendly neighbors turn into vigilantes who dole out justice by breaking windows, scratching paint and slashing tires.

The tradition of guarding parking spaces is not without its critics.


Farewell, Netscape…


Netscape Navigator, now owned by AOL, will no longer be supported after 1 February 2008, the company has said.

In the mid-1990s the browser was used by more than 90% of the web population, but numbers have slipped to just 0.6%.

In particular, the browser has faced competition from Microsoft’s Internet Explorer (IE), which is now used by nearly 80% of all web users.   (This Site Is Actually Accessed By More Firefox Users Than Internet Explorer)


Gonna Miss NetScape?.. Try SeaMonkey… A Really Nice All-In-One Browser… Works On All Platforms Too!

seamonkey logo

I’m an old Netscaper… Now I mostly use Firefox… But I miss the all in one convenience of Netscape’s mail, chat and HTML editor. And since Netscape is going away… I was lucky to find this…

While checking stats I noticed someone had accessed the site using SeaMonkey… I’d never heard of it so I went out and did some research… What a really nice all in one solution!.. I’ve loaded it on a 2 Macs and I’m really tickled! I’m going to put it on a Windows XP box this weekend.

My sons and I rebuild and upgrade computers as a hobby… I’m thinking of incorporating this cool browser into all of our upgrades. Web… Email… Chat… HTML Editing and a lot of other goodies are part of the whole. If you like FireFox and ThunderBird… SeaMonkey seems to combine the best of both… And did I mention it’s backed by the Mozilla folks who do FireFox?

Here’s some screen shots and a few links:




Go See Lily!! You Gotta Go See Lilly!!

Go see Lily Do Her Thing HERE

Random Survey Results… BuzzBites… Put In Your 2¢ Worth…


This Is Obviously An Old Motorcycle… Is It Really An Indian?

Click to Enlarge
indian bike

Seen On A Bumper Sticker…

god made me

Computer Geek Or Serial Killer?.. Can You Tell?


Are You Looking For Someone’s 800 Number?… Here They Are…

Optical Illusions Shown And Explained…

The World Of Optical Illusions – video powered by Metacafe

Want To See What A People Bomb Does? .. Graphic Photos Of The Aftermath Of The Benazir Bhutto Assassination Scene…


I think that too much of our news is sanitized… You can’t get truly mad about the madness if you don’t see the truth… And the truth is that it can’t be possible for anything further evolved than a trained ape to rationalize strapping on 20 pounds of high explosive in order to detonate it in a crowd of largely innocent people… These “people” fail the test of humanity in my book… And the cowardly bastards that put them up to it should be exterminated like the viruses that they are… If there are so called “religious” schools where this kind of brainwashing hatred is being openly taught… Then it should be treated like the site of an infection and sterilized.

I fail to see how one does this in the name of ANY God… Even Devil and Demon worshipers aren’t running around creating this kind of carnage… Go HERE... Read the article and look at the pictures... This excerpt pretty much says it for me…

“A lot of regular people died today, too. Some of them were poor, some were old, and they died taking advantage of their (current) right of free assembly, which most of us probably take for granted. They died and were horrifically injured participating in the political process of their country, even knowing that in the end it might not make any difference because they might still end up under the thumb of a dictator. And every single person in the pictures below is brown, and likely all of them are Muslim. These are the people that some people would like to send back “to their caves”, these are some of the people we mock as poor cab drivers or accuse of taking “our” jobs or simply overlook even when they are in front of us. They had families and lives and probably jobs when they left their houses this morning to see a political candidate speak who probably half-suspected she wouldn’t make it to the election alive but ran anyway. And it makes all the backstabbing and machinations of our candidates trying to plant stupid rumors about drug use and out-of-wedlock babies and all the rest of it seem that much more nauseating and petty to me today. “


Can You Fold A Dollar Bill To Look Like This?


Learn How HERE

This Is Really Stupid… But It’s Kind Of Fun…


Chinese Display Attitude Over Toy Safety… Have Choice Words For Obama And The Rest Of The World…

“What I would do right now is I would stop all imports of these toys from China,” Obama said.

The senator suggested a ban on all toy imports from China during an economic roundtable in New Hampshire last week.

China last year exported $17.8 billion worth of toys, 37% of them to the United States, according to the China Toy Assn. The country manufactures 80% of the world’s toys.

But in recent months, amid a series of disturbing revelations about contaminated Chinese products, including pet food and toothpaste, toys have been a major source of safety worries, especially concerning lead paint. Yet anything that threatens China’s pocketbook and national pride predictably raises tempers. The foreign obsession with toy quality is genuinely baffling, if not self-indulgent and arrogant.

“Americans are only picking on us because our economy is doing well and we’re getting the Olympics,” said Chen Xuehua, 35, who was selling toys on Christmas Eve at Hongqiao market.

“Isn’t it inevitable that there is a trade-off between price and quality?” said Li Chenzi, 36, a U.S.-educated woman shopping with her 5-year-old daughter. “Of course, Chinese toys will not have the same safety standard.”

Especially to an older generation of Chinese, who were raised without the privileges today’s children enjoy, the foreign obsession with toy quality is genuinely baffling, if not self-indulgent and arrogant.

“Americans are making a big fuss over nothing,” said Jin Jian, 46, who says that as a boy he made his own toys from walnut shells. As for Obama, he said, “That . . . . [here's where the something unprintable comes in] won’t get elected if he tries to ban Chinese toys.”

Obama’s remarks about Chinese toys also provoked harsh retorts on Tianya, one of the largest Internet forums in China.

“Worse than Bush!” wrote one commentator. “An insult to China,” wrote another.


OK… So They’ve Got A Pill That Can Make You Straight Or Gay… Just Imagine The commercial For THAT One!!.. Better Yet… Imagine How Your Poor Abused Gay Bashing, Yet Closet Queer Senator Will Claim To Have Been Slipped One Whenever He Gets Snagged In A Sting!

Pop a pill and be straight or gay? It’s a lot more exciting, and complicated, than that.

The news last week that scientists induced homosexual courtship in male fruit flies by changing levels of a neuro chemical was greeted with predictable headlines: “Scientists make fruit flies gay, then straight again.” On science blogs, discussion raged about whether this meant that a drug altering sexual orientation would, or should, be developed by the demon Big Pharma. Others trotted out arguments about whether homosexuality was learned or genetic, and about its existence elsewhere in the animal kingdom, and then meandered into why places with large contingents of gays — such as San Francisco and Boulder, Colo. — are usually nice places to live.

By experimenting with altering synapse strength chemically, independent of the mutation, the researchers homed in on exactly what was at work. Manipulating glutamate transmission, they discovered, allowed them to alter — sometimes within hours — whether the flies courted males or females. The altered males interpreted the odors of other flies (the primary come-hither signal) differently from their wild counterparts.

Read More HERE

Today’s Insults –

You sound reasonable…Time to up my medication. - Unknown

You validate my inherent mistrust of strangers. – unknown

I see you’ve set aside this special time to humiliate yourself in public. – unknown

It’s a thankless job, but you’ve got a lot of Karma to burn off. – unknown

$4 Gasoline?.. The Only Reason It’s Not There Now Is Because It Would Have Depressed Xmas Shopping Numbers… But You’ll Pay Through The Nose Now…

High GasBend Over

Americans will start 2008 paying about 65 cents more than they did last year, according to the forecasts, and may well see self-serve regular going for $3.50-$3.75 a gallon by April.

In California — where the price this year has run as high as 50 cents a gallon more than the national average — $4 gasoline “will no longer be considered a rogue number,” said Tom Kloza, chief oil analyst for the Oil Price Information Service. “It will list for that much in a lot of places.”

Gasoline could cost an average of $3.75 a gallon nationwide in the next four months, pushing the price in California up and over the $4 mark, energy analysts predicted today.

They said several factors were pointing toward a nightmarish spring for motorists, including persistently strong crude oil prices and the fact that the traditional December drop in pump prices didn’t materialize.


Now… I know that all of the folks from countries other than the USA just laugh and say…“You bunch of wankers!!… We’ve been paying through the nose for years!!… What makes you so different?!?!”

In answer… I offer this:

How do you expect us to keep our position as the fattest folk on the planet if we have to spend our hard earned money on transportation to McDonald’s, Burger King, KFC, etc… We have tonnage to maintain… Hard earned tonnage at that… We spend more money on fast food than anyone else… That keeps a large part of the worldwide economy humming to grow, process, transport, cook, serve and clean up behind our fat arses… Not to mention the money we pump into the worldwide economy trying to keep our obese, cholesterol clogged selves functioning through to the next feeding trough.

So… See? .. Because America selflessly sacrifices it’s citizens health for you… The rest of the world… We need cheap gas… To keep the world’s economy healthy. That’s our story… And We’re sticking with it.

World Wide Gas Prices …

Venezuelans pay $0.12 per gallon… Saudi Arabians pay $0.91 per gallon… The Dutch pay $6.48 per gallon!.. Brits pay $5.79 per gallon… Americans and Cubans are shelling out around $3.00 per gallon.

gas prices1gas prices2

How To Detect Lies From Body Language…

The following techniques to telling if someone is lying are often used by police, and security experts. This knowledge is also useful for managers, employers, and for anyone to use in everyday situations where telling the truth from a lie can help prevent you from being a victim of fraud/scams and other deceptions.

Warning: Sometimes Ignorance is bliss; after gaining this knowledge, you may be hurt when it is obvious that someone is lying to you.

Read More HERE

This Guy Does Some Crazy Cool Stuff With Computer Screens…

Did You Notice That He’s A Mac Guy? ;-)



See More HERE