What A Crude, Rude Little Girl… If’n She Was My Kid… Somebody Call CPS!

Evil Child

Somebody Sent This To Me… Now I’m Condemned Forever!


And call your mother…

atheist surprise

F.A.D… I Used To Work With A Guy Who Used To Say That A Lot… But I Never Actually Pictured The Actual Act Before…

Dog on Duck

This is one confused pup… And one pissed off duck…

Another WTF?!?! Moment… Inflate-O-Face!.. Sick!!

forehead inflator

Another Just-In-Time Pic… Diving Bird Catches Fish…

diving bird

How Much Crack Did He Have To Smoke To Get A Bomb Belt Tattooed?

Bomber Belt Tattoo

Technically… Carrying Brass Knuckles Is A Felony…

Brass Knuckles

He’s A Cute Little Bugger… And If That 3rd Arm Works… He’s Lucky Too…

three arm baby

Hey Mike… Maybe You Should Tell People To Call You Michael…

My Clitoris

My What?!?!

Ever Feel Like Doing An Axe Murder?…

Cut In Half

Economic Meltdown?… Blame This Guy…

Economy Meltdown

Tattoo Artist With A Death Wish…

If Your Tat Guy Is Swigging Vodka … Come Back Tomorrow…

Tattoo Joke

Another “It’s Time For Rehab” Moment…

Wine bottle breaker

World’s Strongest Karate?… You Betcha!!…

The American Version Of “Riverdance”…

Watch My Feet…

6 Brainwashing Techniques They’re Using On You Right Now…

And that tin foil hat isn’t going to save your sorry butt… For centuries, the ruling classes  and the occasional demagogue have controlled the way people think by using a few tried and true techniques… TV and the Internet have only made their jobs easier…


Which of these methods have you fallen to lately?…

Check Out This Article At Cracked.com 

It’s Time For Rehab Buddy…

Rock Bottom

So Much For Team Work…

Team Work




The Bible As Written By College Students…

mosesIf College Students Wrote The Bible…

The Last Supper would have been eaten the next morning — cold.

The Ten Commandments would actually be only five — double-spaced and written in a large font.

A new edition would be published every two years in order to limit reselling.

Forbidden fruit would have been eaten because it wasn’t cafeteria food.Paul’s letter to the Romans would become Paul’s email to abuse@romans.gov.

Reason Cain killed Abel: they were roommates.

Reason why Moses and followers walked in the desert for 40 years: they didn’t want to ask directions and look like freshmen.

Instead of God creating the world in six days and resting on the seventh, he would have put it off until the night before to get it done.

And Now A Word On The U.S. Election From Our Hillbilly Cousins…

A few inebriated backwoods bumpkins expound on their deeply held beliefs regarding the disappointment they feel regarding one of the candidates for the POTUS…

Wanna Guess Which One?

OJ And J Edgar… Creepy!

OJ Simpson J Edgar Hoover

Leftovers From The Hurricane?…

fish fence

His And Hers Carrots…

She’s no slut!

his n hers carrots