Interesting Suicide Method…

Figured It Out Yet?…

How’d He Get Those Things Through That Little Hole?…

Can’t Decide If It’s Creepy Or Cool…

No Wonder They Stay In There So Long!…

Coca Cola… Now You Know…

Stay Away From The Window Kid….

Babies Are Born To Dance To The Beat…

Ever wonder how it is that babies and toddlers can naturally move their bodies to music? Now scientists are saying  that research has shown that…

Babies are born to dance and find the rhythm and tempo of music more engaging than speech.

Don’t believe yet?… Check out the Top 10 Dancing Babies on YouTube list


Your Brain Is A Quantum Computer… And The Whole Of Nature’s An Internet…

From the article…

Could it be that the Internet mirrors something about how we really communicate (or could communicate) with each other and with the world? I’d like you to consider the possibility that nature embodies within herself a kind of Internet, and that through our brain we might be able to communicate with it.

Read More HERE

Good Husband… Good Father… Bad Electrician… R.I.P…

Beer Is Less Painful Coming Out Too…

Authorized Service Shop… Yeah… That’s It…

Oh Do Da Day!.. Recording From 1911…

Muscle Mania…

Why Some People Grow Up With Issues…

She Comes With A User Manual… I Want One!!

HPB…Is It A Lager?


Sweet Little Lady’s Garden Is Ready For Harvest…

This Kid Wants Out!

You’ll Be Lucky If You’ve Got Two Of Each…

A Badly Photoshopped Butt…

Exactly What Kind Of People Is The Lower Sign Aimed At?!?

Pretty Much Sums Up My Opinion Of The U.S. Congress…

What Your Spouse Secretly Thinks Of You…