Spam… The Kind In The Can… Are You Stocking Up?..
Looks Like People are falling back on that old depression era standby… Spam.
It seems that the Hormel factory that makes the stuff can’t keep up with demand. The workers are putting in all the overtime they can stand.
At around $2.50 a can… You can get 12 ounces of solid meat protein that will keep without refrigeration for years.
Spam and Beans?… Spam and Rice?… SpamBurgers?… You Betcha!
But… There’s lots more you can do with that glistening cube of pink meat-like material… Spam has lots of ways to keep your family well nourished on the cheap. even has a searchable database of mouthwatering ways to make you into a Spam Master.
I think I’ll grab a case or two this week.