Show ‘Em How Much You Love ‘Em!!..

TP love

So what if he can’t spell…

This Is Way More Fun Than “Hop On Pop”…

the fart book

Corkscrew-Balloon Presents… Suzie.

If You’re A Bible Thumper… Maybe You Shouldn’t Go HERE

But It Sure Is Funny!!!

Serious Car Crash…

Firm It Up…

One morning while making breakfast, a man walked up to his wife and pinched her on her butt and said, “You know if you firmed this up we could get rid of your girdle.”

While this was on the edge of intolerable, she thought herself better and replied with silence.

The next morning the man woke his wife with a pinch on the breast and said, “You know if you firmed these up we could get rid of your bra.”

This was beyond a silent response, so she rolled over and grabbed him by the penis. With a death grip in place she said, “You know if you firmed this up we could get rid of the postman, the gardener, the poolman and your brother.”

This One Is For My Friend, Jim… Onwards!!

Onwards from AKQA on Vimeo.

Real Women Have Real Curves… A Loaf Of Bread… A Pint Of Chunky Monkey… And Thou*.

Big Thong

*The Rubaiyat

Fantastic Sidewalk Art…

sidewalk art2

sidewalk art1

sidewalk art3


At Least He Drives A Prius…

prius drivers

Is That Pork Sausage?…

sausage hog

FOX’s Brian Kilmeade Seems To Have Lost More Than His Eyebrows… Again.

Fox & Friend’s Brian Kilmeade… The Brown Haired No Eyebrow-ed One… Went off on a mindless burble about people marrying different “species” and making the races less pure… And all this came from talking about how married couples get less Alzheimer’s… His fellow hosts can’t believe what’s coming out of his pie-hole this time… Someone off camera even begins to whistle “If I Only Had A Brain”… Of course Brian also has stated that water buffalo have “skins as thick as leather.” Poor Guy!!!

As a person married to another “Species”… I should be offended… But I’m laughing too damn hard!!

Kilmeade’s attempt to express himself…

swaztika fail

Feeling A Bit Under The Weather… Be Back Soon…

UndertheWeatherunder the weather

under the weather1

Gun Totin’ Momma…

Gun Momma

Better Title Than Green Eggs And Ham…

green eggs and WTF

Clouds In Coffee…

clouds in coffee

Bad Day For Bike Riders…



Apple Globe…

apple globe

A Few Books From My Collection…

new books

Larry’s Take On Marriage…

marriage and fish

80% Approval Rating…

approval rating

Michael Jackson… Before And After…

Michael Jackson haters

Bird Rivals…

bird rivals

Sun Jumper…

sun jumper

A Sorely Needed iPhone App…

 personal scanner

Mummification Is SO Much Easier With Duct Tape…

duct tape mummy