A One In A Million Picture…

 Eject!…Eject!   You Are Looking At The Last Second Of  Existence For $50 Million Worth Of Tax Money…


I’ve Altered A Few Pools In My Day…

Baby pool pee

Now Will You Wear Your Hat Right?…

hat sunburn

Hurricane Ike From Space… Magnificently Deadly.

These Pics Are From The International Space Station…

Click to enlarge…

Hurricane Ike1

Hurricane Ike2

Hurricane Ike3

Hurricane Ike4

Hurricane Ike5

Hurricane Ike6

Hurricane Ike7

When A Rocket Fuel Factory Catches Fire… You Get One REALLY Large Explosion…

In 1988… A welder accidentally set a fire in a plant called PEPCON near Henderson, Nevada. This is where they made the solid fuel for the space shuttles booster rockets. The resulting explosion equaled 100,000 tons of TNT… or the equivalent of a one kiloton nuclear bomb.

    They only had a million dollars worth of insurance.

There was $71 million dollars in damage.

This video was taken from enough miles away so that the sound took a few seconds to reach the microphone.

DamnInteresting has the long version of this story… And It’s A Damn Good Read!