Amazing Tree Forms…

The Guy I Bought My House From Could Do This… We Had An Olive Tree That Was Cut Like A Poodle… It Looks Like A Regular Tree Now…

Tree form1

Tree form2
Tree form3

Tree form4

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Ever Have One Of These Days?..

blind urinal

Fast Food Kabobs…

fast food1fast food2

How About Furry Pigs?…

Looks Like Someone Crossed Pigs With Sheep…

furry pig1Furry pig2Furry pig3

Fantastic Sand Sculptures…

From Say No To Crack

sand castle

See More HERE

Is This Your Future?

You May Not Have A Home… But You Will Have Internet Access…

homeless internet

Portraits Of 42 Presidents… On A Single Human Hair!

This Artist Painted The Portraits Of 42 American Presidents On A 1/2″ Long Strand Of Human Hair… He Had To Do The Brush-strokes Between Heart Beats…


DeputyDog Has A Bunch Of Great Stuff On Teeny Tiny Artwork

Are You A Failure?…

I Found This Over At Goodshit

Rare White Albino Shark Spotted…

The 10-metre long shark was pictured swimming off the coast of Darwin, the northern-most island of the Galapagos.

albino shark

Read More HERE

Man In Sri Lanka Gets A Nut Screwed Onto His Penis… I Say Break Out The Blowtorch…

A welder who tried to elongate his penis with a nut found himself in a pickle when the nut got stuck after he had an erection.

The victim, from Taman Sri Skudai, had apparently been trying to increase the length of his penis ahead of his engagement next week when disaster struck.

It is learnt that the incident occurred on Thursday and the 20-something-year-old victim went to the Sultanah Aminah Hospital here to seek treatment when he was unable to get the nut off himself.

Unfortunately, hospital authorities were at a loss and had to call the Fire and Rescue Department for assistance.

A department spokesman confirmed that they received a call from the hospital yesterday, and sent seven firemen to help out.

They, too, were unable to remove the nut.

At press time, the nut was still firmly attached to the base of the man’s genitals.

This is the second case in the past week involving objects stuck on penises. On Aug 25, firemen were summoned to the University Malaya Medical Centre in Kuala Lumpur to cut a steel ring from a patient’s penis after numerous attempts by doctors failed to dislodge it. It is believed the patient, in his 20s, had slipped the ring onto his penis to increase his sexual prowess.