Just Checked Our Rating Again… You… Dear Reader… Are A Genius!!

You Get To Be A Genius By Just Watching A Bunch Of Videos And Looking At Silly Pictures!!

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TV Reviews

This is a raise from College Level that we had last month… You folks are amazing!

Here’s Some Real Vintage Saturday Morning Cartoons… Enjoy!!

From 1960 – 61
The King and Odie

Tennesee Tuxedo and Chumley go see Mr Whoopee

Tooter Turtle

Fireball XL-5

1964 – Hoppity Hooper

1964′s Roger Ramjet was the model for the current Bush administration

If You Can Sing The Underdog Song… Your 50th Birthday isn’t far from your mind…

Is This Mutton Bustin’?… Or Modern Day Rustling?…

Wyoming Date

Our Friend Alf Over At Corkscrew-Balloon Is Giving Folks Of All Religious Persuasions Something To Think About…

Proof That You Really Are An Unbeliever

15 Square Kilometers Of Rainforest Disappear Every Minute… Sucks To Be Tarzan…


click to enlarge

Not Only Is This A Wayback Version Of PhotoShop… But This Screenshot Is Of Mac OS 7.5… Ancient History!

Mac OS 7.5

The iBoob… This Takes Motorboating To A Whole New Level…


Hairsail… What Does He Do When The Wind Hits Him Sideways?

Tall Hair

Brahma Beer… Goin On A Beer Hunt This Weekend!

I had several cases of this stuff when I got home from my last visit to L.A. last summer… I can’t tell you how nice this stuff goes down in the Arizona Summer heat… This beer made more than a few 110º days more than bearable… They make some pretty good commercials too… Unfortunately… It’s near impossible to locate in AZ… But I found Jeremiah Weed… And it’s getting warm here… Wish Me Luck!

Brahma Beer