My Side Of My Wifes Car…
It’s Still PMS Week… So I’m Obligated To State That…
P.S…. anybody know the emoticon for crossed fingers?
Candidates For The 2008 Election At Work…
This Is Pretty Much What The Winners Will Inherit… For The Life Of Me… I Can’t Figure How Anybody Would Want To Be In Charge Of The Mess That The Next Four Years Will Be…
Adolf Hitler’s Farting Problem Might Have Led To Germany Losing The War…
Hitler wanted to control the world. But he couldn’t even control his flatulence.
Guests at the Berghof, Hitler’s private chalet in the Bavarian Alps, must have endured some unpleasant odors in the otherwise healthful mountain air.
It may sound like a Woody Allen scenario, but medical historians are unanimous that Adolf was the victim of uncontrollable flatulence. Spasmodic stomach cramps, constipation and diarrhea, possibly the result of nervous tension, had been Hitler’s curse since childhood and only grew more severe as he aged. As a stressed-out dictator, the agonizing digestive attacks would occur after most meals: Albert Speer recalled that the Führer, ashen-faced, would leap up from the dinner table and disappear to his room.
This was an embarrassing problem for a ruthless leader of the Third Reich.