I Can’t Decide Between The Cow Something And The Salted Pig Tail…

cow something

We’re Cutting Your Social Security Check… Not If She Can Help It!!

NSFW… Language… NSFW

This lady takes no guff from ANYONE!

Listen HERE

The Preacher Is Leaving…

A Preacher was explaining that he must move on to a larger congregation that will pay him more.

There is a hush within the congregation. No one wants him to leave.

Joe Smith, who owns several car dealerships in the City stands up and proclaims, ‘If the Preacher stays, I will provide him with a new Cadillac every year and his wife with a Honda mini-van to transport their children!’

The congregation sighs in relief and applauds.

Sam Brown, a successful entrepreneur and investor, stands and says ‘If the Preacher will stay on here… I’ll personally double his salary and also establish a foundation to guarantee the college education of all his children!’

More sighs and loud applause.

Sadie Jones, age 88, stands and announces with a smile, ‘If the Preacher stays, I will give him sex!’

There is total silence.

The Preacher, blushing, asks her ‘Mrs. Jones, whatever possessed you to say that?’

Sadie’s 90 year old husband Jake is now trying to hide, holding his forehead with the palm of his hand and shaking his head from side to side, while his wife replies…

‘Well, I just asked my husband how we could help and he said ‘Screw the Preacher!’

Resistance Is Futile…


Don’t You Just Hate Days Like This?

seriously busted

Which Guy Does She Love More?

Hell… When You Got Him Like This… Why Shoot Him… Just Play.. “This Little Piggy Went To Market…” 

Oil At $120 A Barrel… Beer Is Officially Cheaper Than Gas…

beer cheaper than gas

When Does That Expire?…

I Wrote About The Expire Date For Pickles And Other Household Products Back In December 2007

I recently came across a TABLE OF CONDIMENTS courtesy of the mysterious people(?) at F.N.O.R.D.,

best if used by

It All Depends On Your Perspective…

pool perspective

Something For All The Innocents Depicted In The Hiroshima Post

Blue Rose