Liquid Nitrogen Dropped In Classroom… Explodes!

I Have Ab-So-Lute-Ly No Comment On This Toy…

yodel pickle

Available At

A Pimp Suit For Your 6 Year Old… From…

For $39.99… You can put your six year old to work as a bonafide pimp…pimp kid

Of course there’s one for the slightly older kid also… at $49.99

pimp kid1

Worried About Sending Your Little One Out On The Street Alone?… Not To Worry… Amazon can help you fix up Mom or Big Sis to pull double duty…for only $69.99
hooker kid

I would suggest Big Sis though… It might be a little harder to get junior to convincingly pimp slap Mom…

Study: Masturbation May Prevent Prostate Cancer… YAY!!… I’m Not Getting Prostate Cancer!!


Men who frequently masturbate appear to have a lower risk of developing prostate cancer, Australian researchers reported.

Researchers from the Cancer Council of Victoria found that men who masturbated more than five times each week were one-third less likely to develop the cancer.

The study surveyed 1,000 men who developed prostate cancer and 1,250 who did not, and all were between the ages of 20 and 50, according to a report on Monday on the gay and lesbian news site PlanetOut.

Researchers told the BBC last week that the prostate produces one of the fluids involved in ejaculation and that frequent masturbation appears to flush out carcinogens.

Sexual intercourse may not have the same effect because it increases the risk of contracting a sexually transmitted disease, which could raise the risk of cancer, the Web site reported.

Subliminal Political Messages… New research shows that subliminal messages can change political views and behavior.


My Summer Job Was Working At The Dog Pound…

summer job

He Gets Smiles… I Do The Same Thing… I Get Arrested… Not Fair!

little pisser

This Little Guy Knows What He Wants Out Of Life…

little fella stiffy

How To Spot a Persian Prostitute… Apparently… It’s Getting Easier…

persian prostituteTehran’s former police chief Reza Zarei attempted suicide in prison yesterday, a month after being arrested for consorting with six naked women in a brothel. In the aftermath of the scandal, the Times, the Associated Press, and the BBC all reported that prostitutes are becoming more visible on Iranian streets. Given the Islamic dress code, how do Persian prostitutes signal their trade?

Location, location, location. In the 1970s, Bostonians looking for a proverbial good time went to the “Combat Zone” and New Yorkers flocked to 42nd Street; in contemporary Iran, the holy city of Qom is known (unofficially) as a place of “both pilgrimage and pleasure.” There, prostitutes wearing veils and even chadors mill about temples or sit together in public courtyards where men can inspect them. Sometimes a male go-between offers “introductions,” at which point the prostitutes pull aside their headgear so the potential client can get a glimpse, but the whole process is fairly subtle. For an outsider, it’s difficult to pick a street girl out of a crowd.

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Argentina Tries to Reconcile Exporting Food With Prices at Home…

Inside a busy church hall early Friday morning, many of the 60 men waiting for a free breakfast tilted their heads upward to watch news flashes periodically scroll across a wall-mounted television. “Government in Crisis . . . Minister of Economy Quits . . . Price of Food Increasing Worldwide . . . ”

This country, in theory, should be protected from the global food crisis. Argentina’s government touts steady economic growth, and in recent years the country has become a top exporter of the same grains, vegetable oils and beef that are now in such high demand.

But instead Argentina is becoming a symbol of the far-reaching effects of global food inflation. Like other developing countries that depend on agricultural exports, Argentina is struggling mightily to figure out how to protect local food sources without breaking the backbone of its economy.

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