Songbird Is Here… Mozilla Gives iTunes It’s First Real Competition…

Seems that the good folks who make FireFox have come up with a music browser they’ve named Songbird that they think will give iTunes a run… Now I like FireFox… A lot… In fact LCO is made to work best with FireFox and users of FireFox 2 are the highest percentage of visitors to LCO by far. And I like iTunes… A lot… And I’ve seen iTunes killers come and go. And even though it’s only been five years since we’ve been able to keep thousands and thousands of songs in the memory equivalent of a few CD’s… We keep looking at the horizon for the next great thing. Greedy buggers …aren’t we?

Well… There’s a glow on the horizon that holds some promise… It’s far from sunrise… But this Songbird has the makings of a great day to come.

But… Let’s deal with today.

I have almost 5000 songs in my iTunes library… And 400 and change are purchased from iTunes. In Fact… Most of the folks that I know with iTunes have over 1000 songs in their library… And Apple is now crowing about being the biggest U.S. music store … Did I mention the four iPods drifting around here?

I suspect that Songbird will come as close as anything to giving iTunes a legitimate competitor… I’ve read up on it and if it delivers as well as FireFox and incorporates the advertised features… It’s gonna be nice.

People are getting excited… Here’s a Video… They’re saying that Songbird will play music from most music stores and that they’re working on getting it compatible with iTunes… And being open source… I suspect that that will happen. sooner rather than later.

Making it compatible with my iPods was a good move… But since iTunes is ubiquitous to Macs and relatively easy to drop onto a Windows machine… I’m looking for some killer feature to compel me to load it onto some machine other than my experiment box… Let’s see…

Add – ons… These seem nice… So far there’s over 7 pages of them and they seem as easy to use as FireFox plug ins… This is what we’d get if Apple opened iTunes up to developers. But I’ve had a few bad experiences with Firefox Add-ons that resulted in my having to remove and reinstall the app. I would not be a happy camper if an add-on caused my music library to go bye-bye. The only time I’ve ever came close to wrecking my iTunes library was when I (illegally) downloaded a song that had a corrupted size count and hooned my directory. Nowadays… I pretty much stick to getting my music from places I can place blame on and complain to someone at. I’ve heard of people that have gotten Apple to allow them to re-download their entire purchased song list after serious crashes… So… That said… my mind can get around Apple’s reluctance to open up iTunes to outside developers as long as I feel that my precious music collection is unlikely to fall prey to some less than diligent but well meaning code jockey.

Feathers… Feathers is Skins… And there are some nice ones… iTunes’ grey frame hasn’t changed since day 1… I hear folks mentioning that they’d at least like a few skins… And I’d get some if they were easily and safely available. But I’ve gotten so used to the brushed metal thing that I can’t remember that I wouldn’t mind some color most days… Perhaps this is part of Apple’s underlying tenet that the machines and programs should be secondary to what you want to do with them… At any rate.. When I’m not fiddling around in my library… I’m running in reduced mode or full screen cover flow anyway.

Overall… I will say that I’m definitely intrigued… I’m already wondering how this thing would work installed on a 4 GB thumb drive… What if you could take it all with you?.. I mean run a copy of your own music browser on any machine you happen to be in front of? Maybe I’m getting too far out there … But there’s your killer feature… Hey… It’s open source… It’s in the realm of possibility.

There are lots of sites out there screaming iTunes Killer! Gizmodo and boing-boing are on the bandwagon… PC World, SiliconBeat and others are taking a more cautious note… You can count LCO in the “cautious” column… I loathe the thought of putting a promising newborn up against Godzilla before it even has teeth. But I am saying without reservation that I think that Songbird’s got a real shot at becoming the crown prince of the hill.. So far.. This is the only music app that has even made me raise an eyebrow as far as being a possible adjutant to iTunes… Look! I can’t even bring myself to write that any…and I mean ANY application stands a chance of utterly replacing iTunes.. But then again… Five years ago …I couldn’t imagine keeping 4 gigabytes of data on my keychain let alone dreaming that I’d have something as wonderful as iTunes itself.

As to major issues…

So far.. Nothing has caught my eye more than this nasty little surprise … Apparently… You can shrink Songbird right out of existence… I mean so far gone that the only way to get back in is to delete your entire profile…

I plan to put it on my Mac and Windows experiment boxes… Beat up on it and take a wait and see attitude.

This’ll Teach You To Make Bets At Work!!


20 Years Of Progress… 1GB Then And Now…

1 gb

Classic False Advertisement.. Remember… They All Look Like The Top Pictures When You Wake Up With ‘Em…


Click to enlarge

Can Anyone Name This Painting For Me?…

 If You Know This Painting… Please Email Me At:

Here’s A Video To Brighten Your Day… Hope You’ve Got Good Speakers…

In Your Eyes – Peter Gabriel

Tracking The Wild Stoner… Hilarious!!.. Not Sure It’s Gonna Stop Anyone From Smoking Pot Though..

value=" -small.swf" />
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The New $5 Bill Is Set To Debut… Lots Of Changes… Purple!

New Five Dollar Bill

See Details HERE 

We Got Like… $300 Between Us… Are We Real Gangsters…Or What?

I Suspect That’s 3 Months Allowance For Chip N Dale…

cheap gangster

Sealed With Love: A Humane Way To Kill Baby Seals

baby seal

Step 1: This season’s hunt requires that vital signs are checked after the seal is shot or clubbed over the head —checking for the loss of corneal reflexes.

dead seal baby

Step 2: Sealers then must cut a main artery to allow the seal to bleed to death, but only if the seal is unconscious. Veterinarians believe far too much pain and suffering would be caused otherwise. They urge sealers to view shooting and clubbing as a method of stunning only—not killing.

seal man


Step 3: Vets request that hunters allow sufficient time to let the seal die before any hooking or skinning is done. Vets also recommend a training program for sealers to learn which part of the head to hit so seals are rendered unconscious in only one blow (Clubbing 101, if you will).

mighty hunter

seal clubber

Read More At Plenty Magazine

How To Dance Like A White Guy… As Seen On TV… – Watch more free videos

Is Condi Running For VP??..

 Read About It HERE and HERE  and HERE

condi rambo

How Everyday People Get Screwed By Big Government With Big Business

credit cards

My Wife’s Taken Up Smoking Again… I Must Be Getting To Her…

smokers leg

Did You Wash Your Nasty Hands?!?

did you wash

Be On The Lookout… He’s A Baaad Man!!

kitchen pooper

Another WTF?!? Moment… Wanna Be Behind This Yahoo?

car boombox

I Like Booty… But Damn!!! This Babe’s Booty’s A Bit Bounteous For My Taste…

Baby Definitely Got Back Though…

baby got back

As Some Of My Maine Friends Would Put It… Ayup…


The Lady Wants To Know – A Little Michael Franks For Your Tuesday Relaxation…

Michael Franks – The Lady Wants To Know
Found at bee mp3 search engine

Not Sure I’d Let A Seagull That Close To My Eye… Nasty Birds…

gull kiss

Bloggers Dropping Dead… Too Much Stress…

Apparently.. Bloggers are dying of strokes and heart attacks all over the WWW… So far most of the deaths and disablements are occuring among those that blog for pay…

Boy am I relieved!!! I don’t make a penny writing LCO… I started it as a way to vent my spleen… But I admit that it sometimes gets to me trying to figure out what to post… But I wouldn’t do it if I someone was riding me to make a deadline…

I’ve given some thought to taking a regular day off… We’ll see…

In Web World of 24/7 Stress, Writers Blog Till They Drop:

Two weeks ago in North Lauderdale, Fla., funeral services were held for Russell Shaw, a prolific blogger on technology subjects who died at 60 of a heart attack. In December, another tech blogger, Marc Orchant, died at 50 of a massive coronary. A third, Om Malik, 41, survived a heart attack in December.

They work long hours, often to exhaustion. Many are paid by the piece — not garments, but blog posts. This is the digital-era sweatshop. You may know it by a different name: home.

A growing work force of home-office laborers and entrepreneurs, armed with computers and smartphones and wired to the hilt, are toiling under great physical and emotional stress created by the around-the-clock Internet economy that demands a constant stream of news and comment.

Of course, the bloggers can work elsewhere, and they profess a love of the nonstop action and perhaps the chance to create a global media outlet without a major up-front investment. At the same time, some are starting to wonder if something has gone very wrong. In the last few months, two among their ranks have died suddenly.

Read More HERE

Rap Lyrics Translated To English…

Notorious B.I.G One more Chance rap lyrics translated. Have Fun.


First things first, I poppa, freaks all the honeys

Dummies – playboy bunnies, those wantin’ money

Those the ones I like ‘cause they don’t get nothin’

But penetration, unless it smells like sanitation

Garbage, I turn like doorknobs

Heart throb, never, black and ugly as ever

However, I stay coochied down to the socks

Rings and watch filled with rocks


As a general rule, I perform deviant sexual acts with women of all kinds, including but not limited to those with limited intellect, nude magazine models, and prostitutes. I particularly enjoy sexual encounters with the latter group as they are generally disappointed in the fact that they only receive penile intercourse and nothing more, unless of course, they douche on a consistent basis. Although I am extremely unattractive, I am able to engage in these types of sexual acts with some regularity. Perhaps my sexuality is somehow related to my fancy and expensive jewelry.

Call Tech Support…

Customer: “I don’t use DOS. What would happen if I deleted that directory?”

Friend: “Does Windows 98 support Linux?”

Customer: (angrily) “You said I would get 98 windows with this computer. Where are they?”

Tech Support: “May I ask what operating system you are running today?”

Customer: “A Laptop.”

Drunk Driving…

It seems a gentleman had too much alcohol at a party, was heading home, and was pulled over by a state trooper. Upon being tested, the fellow couldn’t walk a straight line any more than he could drive one, so the trooper wrote out a ticket and had just given it to the driver before an accident in the opposite lane took his attention to more important matters.

The inebriated driver, figuring that the trooper wasn’t coming back to him, drove home and went to bed. he was awakened in the morning by a knock at the door, created by two more state troopers.

“Are you Mr. Johnson?” the asked? He admitted that he was.

“Were you pulled over at Main Street last night for driving under the influence?” Again, the man admitted that was he.

“And what did you do then,” the troopers asked.” The man replied that he drove his car home and went to bed.

“Where is your car now?” the troopers enquired. The man answered that it was in the garage.

“May we see the car?” asked the troopers. The man answered, “Sure,” and opened the garage.

Inside the garage was the state troopers car.