Carnation Milk… The Best Damn Slogan… Period

Many Years Ago… The Carnation Milk people were looking for a slogan to go with the brand new concept of condensed milk.  They held a contest.  The prize was £2000… A milkmaid in England came up with this humdinger.

They gave her the money… But they didn’t use it.





The Worm Has Turned!… The New Day Laborers…

I Had A Couple Of Foggy Days Last Night… Clear Skies Today!

Foggy Day

Foggy Day

Foggy Day

2 oz gin
¾ oz Absinthe or Pastis or Anisette
½ teaspoon sugar 
Dash Lemon Juice
Shake. Pour Into Old-fashioned Glass, garnish with lemon twist.

An Interesting Way To Visit The Green Fairy

Can’t Say I’ve Had This Particular Bad Dream… Maybe I Never Drank Enough Banana Daquiris…

Today’s Insults… With An International Flavor…

Cursed be your mother’s anus. Cursed be your father’s testicles. -
Traditional Yoruba verbal duelling curse

An Englishman will burn his bed to catch a flea. -
Traditional Turkish proverb

He lied like an eye witness. -
Russian proverb

I shit on the balls of your dead ones. -
Traditional Spanish gypsy curse

May the curse of Mary Malone and her nine blind illegitimate children chase you so far over the hills of Damnation that the Lord himself can’t find you with a telescope. -
Traditional Irish curse
