Simply Explained… How The Economic Meltdown Happened…

Political Insults…

He’s the sort of politician who shakes your hand before an election and your confidence afterwards.

They encourage contributions from the rich and votes from the poor under the pretense that they’re protecting them from each other.

They make a point of looking at every issue from every angle. It makes them easier to side-step.

The only reason she stands stubbornly on her record is to prevent us from having a clear look at it.

I worship the very quick-sand he walks on.

He occasionally stumbled over the truth, but hastily picked himself up and hurried on as if nothing had happened.

Ever Woke Up Like This?…

Boom Bike… Yes… That Is A Car Battery.

One Very Cool Balcony…

See More HERE
Expandable balconyExpandable balcony

Since these window/balconies can be installed in existing buildings, soon it may be time to start pressuring that landlord of yours to put balconies everywhere. This might be a big hit with smokers. If this technology catches on, maybe someday we can all dine or toke al fresco.

The Real Mr. PotatoHead…