Ever Woke Up Like This?…

Boom Bike… Yes… That Is A Car Battery.

One Very Cool Balcony…

See More HERE
Expandable balconyExpandable balcony

Since these window/balconies can be installed in existing buildings, soon it may be time to start pressuring that landlord of yours to put balconies everywhere. This might be a big hit with smokers. If this technology catches on, maybe someday we can all dine or toke al fresco.

The Real Mr. PotatoHead…

McCain – Obama Dance Off Throwdown…

Barack And John Settle Things In A Civilized Manner…

http://view.break.com/592648 – Watch more free videos

I Have Absolutely No Comment…

Not Sure How Much Booze It’d Take… But it’d be a lot.

Parental IQ vs Your Child’s Age… Print It.. Learn It… Feel Better.

They Hit 12 And We Get Pretty Damn Dumb… Quick!

The Greatest Joy A Parent Can Have Is For Their 25 Year Old Child To Say…

“Mom… Dad… You Were Right All Along”

More Insults…

I find you to be a cat litter munching, moronic, dead carp dickwad, who talks like an inbred teletubbie.

Your dog is a mutant leaking pickle barrel who serves a sick minded, blockheaded, drippy donkey.

Go drool on somebody else, you godforsaken wastrel bat out of hell, who inhabits the body of a mangled, abysmal, hampster eater.

You suffer from sublimated masturbatory tendencies.

You unsavory Pizza-Face.

Everybody Needs A Helping Hand Now & Then…

America’s Medicated Army… High Percentage Of U.S. Troops On AntiDepressants

From Time Magazine

While the headline-grabbing weapons in this war have been high-tech wonders, like unmanned drones that drop Hellfire missiles on the enemy below, troops like LeJeune are going into battle with a different kind of weapon, one so stealthy that few Americans even know of its deployment. For the first time in history, a sizable and growing number of U.S. combat troops are taking daily doses of antidepressants to calm nerves strained by repeated and lengthy tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. The medicines are intended not only to help troops keep their cool but also to enable the already strapped Army to preserve its most precious resource: soldiers on the front lines.

A Soldier visited a military doctor in Iraq, who, after a quick session, diagnosed depression. The doctor sent him back to war armed with the antidepressant Zoloft and the antianxiety drug clonazepam. “It’s not easy for soldiers to admit the problems that they’re having over there for a variety of reasons,” The Soldier says. “If they do admit it, then the only solution given is pills.”

“It’s not easy for soldiers to admit the problems that they’re having over there for a variety of reasons,”  “If they do admit it, then the only solution given is pills.”

Read More


He Looks Like He’s Been Rolling Around On A Barber Shop Floor…

Kitchen Myths… True Or False?

This Site is like the Snopes.com of kitchen lore…

  1. Can you put bananas in the refrigerator?
  2. Does gas cook better than electric?
  3. Do lobsters scream as you drop them into the pot?
  4. Does alcohol evaporate out if you put it into a cooked recipe?
  5. Will Aluminum pans give you Alzheimer’s?

Read All About It HERE

Such A Little Angel!…

My Fridge Monster Is Much Better Behaved Than This…

Carnation Milk… The Best Damn Slogan… Period

Many Years Ago… The Carnation Milk people were looking for a slogan to go with the brand new concept of condensed milk.  They held a contest.  The prize was £2000… A milkmaid in England came up with this humdinger.

They gave her the money… But they didn’t use it.





The Worm Has Turned!… The New Day Laborers…

I Had A Couple Of Foggy Days Last Night… Clear Skies Today!

Foggy Day

Foggy Day

Foggy Day

2 oz gin
¾ oz Absinthe or Pastis or Anisette
½ teaspoon sugar 
Dash Lemon Juice
Shake. Pour Into Old-fashioned Glass, garnish with lemon twist.

An Interesting Way To Visit The Green Fairy

Can’t Say I’ve Had This Particular Bad Dream… Maybe I Never Drank Enough Banana Daquiris…

Today’s Insults… With An International Flavor…

Cursed be your mother’s anus. Cursed be your father’s testicles. -
Traditional Yoruba verbal duelling curse

An Englishman will burn his bed to catch a flea. -
Traditional Turkish proverb

He lied like an eye witness. -
Russian proverb

I shit on the balls of your dead ones. -
Traditional Spanish gypsy curse

May the curse of Mary Malone and her nine blind illegitimate children chase you so far over the hills of Damnation that the Lord himself can’t find you with a telescope. -
Traditional Irish curse


A Kitty Burrito… Uh… I Mean Purrito

Tastes Like Chicken!

Tastes Like Chicken!!

OMG!.. My Daughter’s Asking To Learn To Drive!.. Am I In For This?!?

Click here to view other Public Service Announcements

Time Is Running Out!!

Time Is Running Out!! My Kid's Gonna Be On The Roads!!

Man Gets Tired Of Gas Thieves… Doctors Up Gas… Guess What?… They Steal It!

From DearAbby.com


DEAR ABBY: A few weeks ago, I returned home after mowing the lawn at my mother’s place and parked my truck behind my house. I left the lawnmower and a 5-gallon can of gas in the bed of my truck and went into the house for a drink of water. When I returned, the gas can was missing.

I bought another can, filled it with gas and added 2 pounds of sugar. Again, I parked my truck in the same spot with the gas can visible. An hour later, it too had disappeared.

A short while later, I noticed a neighbor’s son and his friends pushing his car up the street. They said they had “engine problems.” My wife thinks what I did was wrong and that I should offer to pay for this lad’s engine repairs. What do you think? — “A-GASSED” IN ILLINOIS

DEAR “A-GASSED”: I disagree with your wife. What if the boys had another kind of engine problem and this was just a coincidence? I’m sure whoever stole your gas got an expensive lesson. Let’s hope it also saved them from a life of crime.

Time Is The Enemy… Then And Now…

Panama - 1989

Invasion Of Panama - 1989

Newark, NJ - 2008

Newark, NJ - 2008... We Still Got It!!

The Puke Monster… Your Buds Are Never, Ever, Gonna Let This Slide!

"You're Cleaning This Up, Too ...Buddy Boy!"


I Saw This On TV Today… It Moved Me…

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Now…This May Be Something Related To Scientology… I Saw L. Ron Hubbard’s Name On The Site… But The Premise Of This Particular Video Sure Makes Sense… To Me That Is.