- It comes to this… By design… The Race of Man is half man and half beast… Thou art not beings of reason… But rather, beings capable of reason. There is much difference between the two… Exercise thy capabilities.
- For everything there is a time: A time to live… A time to die…. A time for peace… A time for war… A time to create and a time to destroy… Learn to tell time.

Microsoft and Apple should give us one of these windows to let us know when we’re downloading or copying crap…
I’m surprised that there’s not some kind of stain on that seat though…

From HuffPo
Here’s the very cool part: the dance floor will be capable of generating 60% of the building’s electricity. The technology involves building a sprung floor and power generating blocks. The blocks are made of piezoelectric crystals which produce current when subjected to pressure. Dancers dance, blocks are squeezed and the current is fed into batteries used to electrify the nightclub. Don’t laugh, it is already being done in Rotterdam, Holland. It’s part of the programme for a new climate change organisation Club4Climate, set up by an enthusiastic entrepreneur who wants to open more eco-clubs in New York, Cape Town and Rio. Its motto: “All you have to do is dance to save the world”. :: Evening Standard

Why do we let them breed!?!?

I know there are people who dig this stuff… But This just ain’t my cuppa tea… I went to the site that these came from (just for a laugh, you schmuck!) and came away with diarrhea.

Notice that I’m not classifying this as “Just Plain Silly” because I’m an “enlightened” individual…