Somehow… That Fist Looks Like It Belongs There…


One Of The Undead?…

scary dude

Nice Pic…


Street Art?… Or Funny Thief?…

chalk bike

My ISP ‘s Got Connection Issues… Can’t Upload Anything… I’ll Keep Trying.

Internet Addiction Is A ‘Clinical Disorder’…

Does This Mean I Can File For Disability Payments?…

Obsessive internet use is a public health problem which is so serious it should be officially recognised as a clinical disorder, according to a leading psychiatrist.

Sufferers spend unhealthy amounts of time playing online games, viewing pornography or emailing.

They suffer four symptoms: They forget to eat and sleep; they need more advanced technology or more hours online as they develop ‘resistance’ to the pleasure given by their current system; if they are deprived of their computer, they experience genuine withdrawal symptoms; And in common with other addictions, the victims also begin to have more arguments, to suffer fatigue, to get lower marks in tests and to feel isolated from society.

Read More HERE

Turbine Engine: No Pistons, No Lube, 30% Better Fuel Economy…

Read About It HERE