Our Last Real Reporter Is Gone…

Politicians Everywhere Are Secretly Rejoicing…
I always felt that “Meet The Press” was one of the very few places that you actually could watch the Crooks, Liars, Zealots, Leaders and Loonies of the World actually do just that.
Tim was real practitioner of the art of the fourth estate. He was one of the few reporters… Maybe the only one of the current generation of what passes for journalists these days … They came… We saw … and he conquered them.
He was the only reporter I’d find little or no reason to scream at the TV… “Ask him about something that matters!”
If I saw a politician on the same set as Russert… I knew at least one really… Really… REALLY good question was gonna get asked… And heaven help the poor soul who was fool enough to sit across from “The Press” and try to skate…
I don’t see a replacement on ANY channel or outlet at this point… So I expect that the slicksters will get away with a bit of chicanery for the foreseeable future… But Mr Russert certainly inspired enough wannabes to guarantee that another true reporter will fill the void.
I also hope against hope that a whole crop of L’il Russerts takes root
I’ve groused about Dr’s maybe trying to kill me with prescrptions more than once...
The Florida report analyzed 168,900 deaths statewide. Cocaine, heroin and all methamphetamines caused 989 deaths, it found, while legal opioids — strong painkillers in brand-name drugs like Vicodin and OxyContin — caused 2,328.
Drugs with benzodiazepine, mainly depressants like Valium and Xanax, led to 743 deaths. Alcohol was the most commonly occurring drug, appearing in the bodies of 4,179 of the dead and judged the cause of death of 466 — fewer than cocaine (843) but more than methamphetamine (25) and marijuana (0).
Florida scrutinizes drug-related deaths more closely than do other states, and so there is little basis for comparison with them.
Read More HERE
I did what you told me ..
I sent the email to 10 people like you said
I’m still waiting for that miracle to happen .

To all my friends who in the last year sent me best ‘wishes’, chain letters, ‘angel’ letters or other promises of good luck if I forwarded something,
For The Remainder of the year, could you please just send money, Vodka, chocolate, movie tickets or gasoline vouchers, stamps, canned food and airline tickets instead?
Thank you!
thanks Pancho!!!
The Republican Party Hosts So Many Homosexual Related Scandals…. That They Are Not Subject To A Class Action LawSuit By Respectable Homosexuals Everywhere Is Beyond Me…
Former Clark County Republican Party Chair Glenn Murphy Jr. faces a two-year prison sentence after pleading guilty Thursday morning to criminal deviate conduct, a class B felony, for performing unwanted oral sex on a man in Jeffersonville in July.A special prosecutor has charged former Clark County Republican Party Chairman Glenn Murphy Jr. with class B felony criminal deviate conduct, relating to Murphy’s allegedly performing unwanted oral sex on a man in a Jeffersonville home in late July.
Authorities said he performed oral sex on a sleeping man following a party at a home in Jeffersonville in July. He pleaded guilty in Superior Court on Thursday as part of an agreement that calls for a six-year sentence, with four years suspended.
The chairman of the Clark County Republican Party — who last month was elected president of the Young Republican National Federation — has resigned both posts, apparently in the wake of a criminal investigation. On Tuesday afternoon, Glenn Murphy Jr. e-mailed media outlets a letter announcing his resignation from both positions, citing an unexpected business opportunity that would prohibit him from holding a partisan political office.
Glenn Murphy, Jr.
Read More HERE and HERE
And for even more hilarity… Read up on the Florida Legislator… Who did pretty much the same but you’ll love who he blames!!
McCain Campaign Co-Chairman And FL State Representative Bob Allen