I Had A Hernia Repaired… I Think They Did Something Else…

I had an umbilical hernia that was about the size of a tennis ball… My HMO thought that maybe It could be done at my kitchen table… After a lot of squawking and screaming… They decided that they’d let the hospital handle it.

hernia surgery

It was practically drive by surgery… In by 1… out by 5… And they treated the pain killers like they were barrels of oil… The guy has to cut through 3 inches of blubber before he can even see the thing and then he sews me up to where my belly button is twice as small as before and the nurse is giving me lectures about the dangers of pain medication instead of giving me the meds.

hernia surgery1

“You can get hooked on this stuff” she says while waving the needle tantalizingly close to my face…” I don’t want to give you too much”… “Give me the damn shot!” I scream… So she switches needles right in front of me and gives me a shot of saline… I want to bite her.

Six shots I get… Four are placebos… Then they throw me out… “We’re sorry”… “Outpatient is now closed”… “You can self medicate at home”…

Swear to God.

henia cat

Happy Independance Day, USA!

Gas Prices Around Town…

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A Joke Contest!

Say No To Crack has jokes… lots of jokes… In fact… They’ve got a contest going..,. Here’s a few:

1. An Irishman walks out of a bar.

2. So a baby seal walks into a club…

3. Bear walks into a bar, says to the bartender “Gimme a drink”…

The bartender says “hey, we don’t serve animals in here”…

The bear says “gimme a drink or I’ll eat this woman right here”…

The bartender still refuses, and the bear eats the woman right up. “Gimme a drink, now”, he says.

The bartender, steadfast, says “we don’t serve animals, and we certainly don’t serve animals on drugs.”

The bear seems taken aback, “on drugs?”

The bartender: “Well, that was a bar bitch you ate”…

(read the last line out loud if you don’t get it)…

Read ‘em all HERE

Where Your Electricity Comes From…

Think or Thwim knows where your particular electricity comes from…

Enter your zip code into the EPA’s Power Profiler and select your power company from the list. It will show you how much of the power generated in your area comes from coal, nuclear, natural gas, and renewables. Chances are, the majority will be from coal.power plant

The 10 Most Worthless College Majors…

From HolyTaco.com


gamepad bong

Read All About It HERE

Woman Found Screaming… Has Nail In Her Bladder…

A 35-year-old woman with bipolar disorder was found wandering on a highway screaming and crying, with disorganized speech. She was evaluated in the emergency department, and computed tomography of the head revealed a hypodense area. The patient reported that she had a nail in her uterus. In the context of the presentation, this was deemed to be unlikely. However, before magnetic resonance imaging was performed for further evaluation, radiography of the abdomen showed a large nail, which was localized to the bladder on ultrasonography, and an intrauterine device in the uterus. Surgery was scheduled to remove the nail, but on the morning before surgery, the patient painlessly passed a 10-penny 8.3-cm steel nail while voiding. After resolution of this psychotic episode, the patient revealed that her intention was to place the nail in her uterus as a means of protection against being raped, which had occurred in the recent past. She was subsequently admitted to a psychiatric facility.

nail in bladder

Video of Dying Mental Patient Being Ignored Spurs Outrage…

Having just gotten out of the hospital yesterday… I can attest to the lousy treatment that patients get …Even when one does have insurance.

New York City’s Health and Hospitals Corporation agreed on Tuesday to increase the monitoring of patients at a public psychiatric ward in Brooklyn. The agreement came after a videotape surfaced showing a patient collapsing onto a floor after waiting nearly 24 hours to be seen, and lying there for about an hour while hospital workers did nothing for her. The patient soon died.

NY Times

He, She Or It… It Ain’t Pretty!

Bike Butt

Terror On The Streets!


That Was One Tough Cat…Or One Chintzy BMW…

BMW vs Cat