Business Is Booming At Pawn Shops… Big Bargains For Buyers…
I was in the market for a cheap chainsaw the other day and a friend of mine suggested that with the economy in shambles… I might be able to find something nicer than I could get for what I was willing to spend if I looked in a pawn shop.
OK, says I… There’s been quite a few commercials for the big “Super-Pawn Shops” that seem to have sprung up over the past couple of years… Maybe I can find a deal.
So off we go… The first one we hit had no chain saws… But it had one heck of a line of folks paying on their loan tickets… And most of those folks weren’t redeeming tickets for goods either…
But what was really disturbing was that this particular shop was in a pretty new shopping development that is surrounded by lots of new housing developments that contained some fairly high end housing.
Anyway … we browsed for at least a half hour and I saw lots and lots of high end cameras and power tools at prices that blew Home Depot and Best Buy out of the water… My buddy browsed the jewelery section and said that there was lots of really nice bling to be had for a pittance.
And in that half hour… We were the only ones browsing… But the line at the payments counter just got longer.
So we headed for a shop over in mid town and there I struck pay dirt… A nice Homelite saw for $79 and a nice Sanyo DVD/VCR combo machine for $35… But wait! said the nice lady named Ursula… “Our other branch has a big sale going on because they’re overstocked and sales are slow”… “Besides… I’ll hold this stuff for you if you like.”
Cool! says we… And we headed east.
No chainsaws at Pawn Shop #3… But there was lots of other stuff… And they were real busy taking in even more… A motorcycle and a bunch of high end radio controlled cars… Some camping gear… A kayak.
This place even had 3 count ‘em!.. 3 motorized wheelchairs… Nice ones.
And this guy had computers… a whole bunch of late model… high end… fully loaded… RAM stuffed beasts.
Well… Me being a system addict… couldn’t resist. I walked out of there with a very nice current model, loaded, black Macbook that retails for $1800 and a totally tricked out emac that I picked up for a friend’s kid… Total ticket?… $900.
I sold the macbook to #1 son on a 3 month payment plan. He’d been waffling over whether or not to finance a Macbook with Apple, but was balking at the terms… Anyway… He’s been using girlfriend’s Macbook in the meantime and I suspect that that was gonna lead to trouble in paradise eventually.
I didn’t make a profit on the 0% interest deal… But #1 son did pop by on Saturday to cut down a dead tree in the back yard and rotate the tires on the old van.
Oh… and Ursula knocked $25 off of the chainsaw and combo video machine.
Gas Now Cheaper Than Heroin….
With oil prices soaring over $130 a barrel, the average driver now spends more per week on gas than the average drug addict spends on heroin, according to a study published in the latest issue of the scientific journal, The Economics Of Street Drugs.
“This is definitely a first in the history of street drugs,” said study author Mallory Fulbright. “It’s incredible – heroin users are now spending more on gas to drive to their dealers to buy drugs than they are for the actual drugs. And with gas prices constantly climbing, the gap is just going to get wider and wider.
“I hate to say it, but this is the first time in American history that it’s actually made sound economic sense to be a heroin addict,” Fulbright added.
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Sex in Space Is Inevitable…
I suspect it’s not much different than in a pool… But dryer… I’d still like to give it a shot… Unfortunately… Mama swears she’d get spacesick… Damn!
Weddings in space could be right around the corner, and experts figure the inevitable cosmic consummation will be just around the next corner.
The Japanese firm First Advantage and the U.S.-based private spaceflight firm Rocketplane Global, Inc., announced last week they will host weddings in space for about $2.3 million (240 million yen) apiece.
For all we know, sex in space has already taken place. But NASA officials aren’t talking about that much.
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Looks like enough room… But not a lot of privacy…
NASA Cancels Sex In Space Mission!!!