I’ve Met The Whole Family…

ass family

A Sure Cure For Bad Breath…

eat deodorant

Angry About High Gas Prices?… We Were Warned…

Over the last 25 years, opportunities to head off the current crisis were ignored, missed or deliberately blocked, according to analysts, politicians and veterans of the oil and automobile industries. What’s more, for all the surprise at just how high oil prices have climbed, and fears for the future, this is one crisis we were warned about. Ever since the oil shortages of the 1970s, one report after another has cautioned against America’s oil addiction.

Ninety percent of Americans  expect the pain at the pump to pose a financial hardship in the next six months, according to a recent Associated Press-Yahoo News poll. Stocks now trade inversely to crude prices, and the Dow Jones industrials are in bear-market territory. Old icons have been written off, with Starbucks boasting nearly twice the market value of General Motors, which some on Wall Street say faces the possibility of bankruptcy.

Read More HERE

Sorry For The Late Posts… I Busted A Gut… Literally…

I had a little setback with my belly stitches… Seems that bending over to pick up a dropped telephone was a no-no… A few drops of super glue (or something very similar) did the trick of putting my oozing insides back where they belong…

stitches dog

stitches 1

stitches 2

But At least I didn’t have to go through whatever these guys had to deal with!!!

stitch faces

My Wife – PMS Day 5…

evil girl

Scientists Blow The “Aztec Death Whistle”…

 An old indian medicine man told me that hearing the sound of the “Death Whistle” was very bad JuJu… So I haven’t listened to the recordings on CNN’s site… Do so at your own risk.

Scientists were fascinated by the ghostly find: a human skeleton buried in an Aztec temple with a clay, skull-shaped whistle in each bony hand.

But no one blew into the noisemakers for nearly 15 years. When someone finally did, the shrill, windy screech made the spine tingle.

If death had a sound, this was it.

Roberto Velazquez believes the Aztecs played this mournful wail from the so-called Whistles of Death before they were sacrificed to the gods.

Read More HERE

Eating Magic Mushrooms Good For You… Say Scientists

I spent a fair amount of time in the early 80′s wandering through cow pastures in the Great Northwest looking for these… 

From Nature.com:

The benefits for people who have had positive or even mystical experiences induced by the psychedelic drug psilocybin — the psychoactive ingredient in ‘magic mushrooms’ — linger for as much as a year, according to the latest follow-up study of such patients.

The study offers more support to those who argue that, when used responsibly, some drugs more commonly taken for leisure can safely be used to relieve the stress associated with severe chronic diseases such as cancer.

I Am In Love…

throne toilet

English Will Soon Change To A Strange Language…

From Wired.com

The targeted offenses: if you are stolen, call the police at once. please omnivorously put the waste in garbage can. deformed man lavatory. For the past 18 months, teams of language police have been scouring Beijing on a mission to wipe out all such traces of bad English signage before the Olympics come to town in August. They’re the type of goofy transgressions that we in the English homelands love to poke fun at, devoting entire Web sites to so-called Chinglish. (By the way, that last phrase means “handicapped bathroom.”)

But what if these sentences aren’t really bad English? What if they are evidence that the English language is happily leading an alternative lifestyle without us?

Thanks to globalization, the Allied victories in World War II, and American leadership in science and technology, English has become so successful across the world that it’s escaping the boundaries of what we think it should be. In part, this is because there are fewer of us: By 2020, native speakers will make up only 15 percent of the estimated 2 billion people who will be using or learning the language. Already, most conversations in English are between nonnative speakers who use it as a lingua franca.

Read More HERE

Take Your Pick…

face to face toilet

side by side toilets

Can You Read Fast Facial Expressions?

Facial Expressions Test

What Would You Hunt A T-rex With?..

This is actually a pretty good angle…


In one of my painkiller clouded reveries… I fell into thinking about all the movies where people are shooting at dinosaurs with rifles with no apparent effect… Movies like Jurassic Park and The Beast From 20,000 Fathoms…

So naturally… The question arose… If you had to hunt down a Tyrannosaurus rex and you only could have a common type gun… What would you use?

I thought… “There’s a subject that’ll pull up zero hits on Google.”… Wrong! There are over 400,000 hits … I liked this one. This guy thinks a 30.06 would do the trick.

For me… I’d grab my Marlin model 1894 chambered for .44 magnum with 300 grain solid flat point bullets… Then I’d bang away at the hip joint to get him on the ground… Maybe try for a few lung shots if the angle was right.

Lots of folks think that the big Weatherby’s and elephant rated rounds would work fine… Some folks comment on the fact that African poachers regularly take down elephants with 7.62 ammo from AK-47′s… Admittedly with at least a couple of clips… and from moving jeeps… There’s even a round called the T-rex in .577 caliber… That’s a BIG round! I’m sure it would do the trick.

But what I couldn’t believe was the number of folks who are convinced that you’d need at least an RPG or a minigun… People think that these creatures were indestructable… See what the media does?

Well… After reading up on the subject… I came to the conclusion that since these beasts were made of meat and bone… That any round that could take down a bear would be sufficient.

The only questions that remain are… How big of a rotisserie will we need? And will it taste like chicken?

What’s your opinion?

This Tunnel Is A Seriously Bad Luck Place…

Looks like this tunnel is THE place to be if you want to see serious wrecks on a regular basis…

Today’s Insults!..

  • He’s so dumb, he sits on the TV and watches the sofa.
  • You’re so ugly, when you go into the bank they turn off the surveillance cameras.
  • He’s a little too tall for his blood supply.
  • I haven’t been ignoring you; I’ve been prioritizing you.

Seen On A Bumper Sticker…

“I never thought I’d miss Nixon.”

A Potty Training Aid… Get One!

scary toilet

Priorities And Options…


A Few Truisms…Agree?

  1. We have enough youth. How about a fountain of “Smart”?
  2. A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory.
  3. Ninety-nine percent of lawyers give the rest a bad name.
  4. I didn’t fight my way to the top of the food chain to be a vegetarian.
  5. If we aren’t supposed to eat animals, why are they made with meat?
  6. Campers: Nature’s way of feeding mosquitoes.
  7. Sometimes I wake up grumpy; other times I let her sleep.
  8. Okay, who stopped the payment on my reality check?
  9. Eat right. Stay fit. Die anyway.
  10. We are born naked, wet and hungry. Then things get worse.
  11. If at first you don’t succeed, destroy all evidence that you tried.
  12. On the other hand, you have different fingers.
  13. The more people I meet, the more I like my dog.
  14. Work is for people who don’t know how to fish.
  15. If everything is coming your way, then you’re in the wrong lane.
  16. It’s bad luck to be superstitious.
  17. Honk if you like peace and quiet.
  18. Atheism is a non-prophet organization.
  19. Despite the cost of living, have you noticed how it remains so popular?
  20. The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.
  21. We are all part of the ultimate statistic—ten out of ten die.
  22. Diplomacy is the art of letting someone else get your way.
  23. Stop repeat offenders. Don’t re-elect them!
  24. I intend to live forever. So far so good.
  25. What happens if you get scared half to death twice?
  26. Bills travel through the mail at twice the speed of checks.

I Had A Hernia Repaired… I Think They Did Something Else…

I had an umbilical hernia that was about the size of a tennis ball… My HMO thought that maybe It could be done at my kitchen table… After a lot of squawking and screaming… They decided that they’d let the hospital handle it.

hernia surgery

It was practically drive by surgery… In by 1… out by 5… And they treated the pain killers like they were barrels of oil… The guy has to cut through 3 inches of blubber before he can even see the thing and then he sews me up to where my belly button is twice as small as before and the nurse is giving me lectures about the dangers of pain medication instead of giving me the meds.

hernia surgery1

“You can get hooked on this stuff” she says while waving the needle tantalizingly close to my face…” I don’t want to give you too much”… “Give me the damn shot!” I scream… So she switches needles right in front of me and gives me a shot of saline… I want to bite her.

Six shots I get… Four are placebos… Then they throw me out… “We’re sorry”… “Outpatient is now closed”… “You can self medicate at home”…

Swear to God.

henia cat

Happy Independance Day, USA!

Gas Prices Around Town…

gas prices1

gas prices2

gas prices3

Be Sure To Check Out The Rest Of Los Cuatro Ojos... If You Liked This… You’ll LOVE The Rest Of The Site… Vote Your Stumbleupon Opinion For The Other Entries!

A Joke Contest!

Say No To Crack has jokes… lots of jokes… In fact… They’ve got a contest going..,. Here’s a few:

1. An Irishman walks out of a bar.

2. So a baby seal walks into a club…

3. Bear walks into a bar, says to the bartender “Gimme a drink”…

The bartender says “hey, we don’t serve animals in here”…

The bear says “gimme a drink or I’ll eat this woman right here”…

The bartender still refuses, and the bear eats the woman right up. “Gimme a drink, now”, he says.

The bartender, steadfast, says “we don’t serve animals, and we certainly don’t serve animals on drugs.”

The bear seems taken aback, “on drugs?”

The bartender: “Well, that was a bar bitch you ate”…

(read the last line out loud if you don’t get it)…

Read ‘em all HERE

Where Your Electricity Comes From…

Think or Thwim knows where your particular electricity comes from…

Enter your zip code into the EPA’s Power Profiler and select your power company from the list. It will show you how much of the power generated in your area comes from coal, nuclear, natural gas, and renewables. Chances are, the majority will be from coal.power plant

The 10 Most Worthless College Majors…

From HolyTaco.com


gamepad bong

Read All About It HERE

Woman Found Screaming… Has Nail In Her Bladder…

A 35-year-old woman with bipolar disorder was found wandering on a highway screaming and crying, with disorganized speech. She was evaluated in the emergency department, and computed tomography of the head revealed a hypodense area. The patient reported that she had a nail in her uterus. In the context of the presentation, this was deemed to be unlikely. However, before magnetic resonance imaging was performed for further evaluation, radiography of the abdomen showed a large nail, which was localized to the bladder on ultrasonography, and an intrauterine device in the uterus. Surgery was scheduled to remove the nail, but on the morning before surgery, the patient painlessly passed a 10-penny 8.3-cm steel nail while voiding. After resolution of this psychotic episode, the patient revealed that her intention was to place the nail in her uterus as a means of protection against being raped, which had occurred in the recent past. She was subsequently admitted to a psychiatric facility.

nail in bladder