Man’s Sweat Is Green!

Doctors in China admit they are baffled after a man began to perspire green sweat.

Cheng Shunguo, 52, of Wuhan city, says his sweat turned green in the middle of November.

“I noticed that my underwear and bed sheets were all green, and even the water in the shower,” he told the Chutian Metropolis News.

Cheng says he feels no discomfort, but went to hospital because he was worried about his condition.

Doctors thoroughly cleaned his armpits but it took only 10 minutes for his sweat to turn a piece of white gauze green again. They have carried out blood tests on Cheng, but found everything to be normal.

“We can’t find the cause,” admitted a spokesman for the hospital which reported the case to the media in the hope of finding a solution.

Xmas Jokes!!

What is special about the Christmas alphabet?
It has NO EL.

What happens if you eat the Christmas decorations?
You get tinsel-itus!

Why does Santa have 3 gardens?
He likes to ho-ho-ho.

santaHow does Santa Claus take photos?
With his North Pole-aroid.

What did Adam say on the day before Christmas?
It’s Christmas, Eve.

Why are Christmas trees like people who can’t knit?
They both drop their needles!

Which reindeer needs to mind his manners the most?

Living In A Cemetery… 10,000 Families Make Their Home In A Filipino Cemetery

10,000 Families live in cemeteries in Manila… They’ve made themselves at home in a big way!





